

Recent Events In And Around Menton


Christmas Luncheon at Le Grand Balcon - December 24th 2021

Don Quichotte at Nice Opera House - December 24th 2021

Christmas Party at Villa Nirvana December 19th 2021

Hanbury Gardens with tea and talk by Carolyn Hanbury

On Thursday 2. December, a beautiful sunny winter¡¯s day, a party of 18 members met at the entrance to Hanbury Botanical Gardens in Mortola.

The land consisting of 45 acres, was initially purchased by Thomas Hanbury in 1867. It encompassed the ruins of 11th Palazzo Orengo, built by the Laterni family on the foundations of a Roman villa. Thomas Hanbury spent 40 years at Mortola, creating one of the most beautiful botanic gardens in the world, aided by the German landscape gardener, Ludwig Winter. Over 20 acres have been cultivated and the remainder left in native vegetation. The estate encompasses the entire Capo Mortola. Between 1925 and 1939, Dorothy Hanbury, Thomas daughter-in-law, made significant changes to the gardens, including designing the New Vista, as an additional axis.

The caf¨¦ and picnic area, where we sat down to munch on freshly made paninis and enjoyed coffee and wine in the sun, spectacularly overlook the sea.

A perfect setting on a sunny day.

In the afternoon, we were delighted to be welcomed by Carolyn Hanbury at home, where she enthralled members with an insight into the varied history of the Hanbury family, over tea, cakes and panettone. A very enjoyable afternoon with many thanks to Carolyn for her hospitality.


British Association Lunch - Hotel School Paul Valery - friday november 19 2021


Thursday, November 11, 2021

In memory of those fallen in WWI, we laid a poppy wreath on behalf of the British Legion and British Association. The poppy being a symbol of remembrance of those who died.
¡°and now the torch and Poppy Red we wear in honour of our dead.¡±
A collection was made and proceeds sent to the British Legion.
After the commemoration, 21 members enjoyed a luncheon at the casino.

BA Menton Luncheon - A'Ombre du Clocher - October 21 2021

Readings & Afternoon Tea At Val Rahmeh
October 10th 2021

Readings at Val Rahmeh, for the Katherine Mansfield commemoration.

L¡¯Endroit on the Sablettes, Saturday 18th September 2021

Twenty members had a great time at the L¡¯Endroit on the Sablettes, Saturday evening, dancing to the sounds of Bruno Vicari and his band until midnight.

Saturday 18th 2021- Louvre Coffee Morning

We welcomed 21 members for coffee and chat, some of whom we hadn¡¯t seen for many years.


BA Menton Trip - Aigues Mortes Camargue Thursday, September 9 TO Saturday, September 11

Everyone enjoyed our two-day adventure to the Camargue. No easy feat when responsible for a large group. Even the weather played ball, contrary to forecast predictions.

Our hotel was good, with an excellent breakfast served in the garden, which overlooks the canal. Our boat trip to a nearby bull farm in the evening was an interesting experience, with lots of fun at dinner to the accompaniment of a local gypsy band.

Some of us visited the salt marshes on the second day, while others explored the ramparts of this magical medieval city, before our collective dinner in the evening.

An extra day or two was added by some, who experienced the fiesta in Le Grau du Roi (a short distance from Aigues Mortes),where a wonderful carnival atmosphere prevailed, with bands, bulls, horses and bull fighting in the huge arena.

FORUM DES ASSOCIATIONS - PALAIS de L¡¯EUROPE Saturday, September 4, 2021

For the first time ever, we organised a stand at the Forum. Having been part of the community of Menton since 1956, we displayed old newspaper clippings of past events, including new press cuttings, leaflets and information on our current work and how we welcome members from all over the world. Two people joined on the spot and many others expressed interest and will be in touch.

July luncheon at the Ardoise

Another hot day in Menton, as we huddled under sun umbrellas seeking a bit of shade. We highly recommend this restaurant. The menu today was excellent and thoroughly enjoyed by all. If you haven¡¯t eaten there yet, do try it. You won¡¯t be disappointed.
Well done Annie, on finding this little gem.

Apero on Friday 23 July 2021

A good turnout on Friday, although many members are currently traveling home to avoid the August heat.
Our next apero evening is scheduled for mid September.
We close during the month of August.


These odd looking male specimens enhanced ?Menton Men? today!


Menton Men

These odd looking male specimens enhanced ?Menton Men? today!

Yoguteria Aperos friday 2nd july 2021

Once again, 30 members turned up for a drink and chat with some continuing the evening¡¯s conviviality with a meal at the Casablanca Moroccan restaurant.

British Association Luncheon at "HELIOS" Tuesday 22 June 2021


First time ever. Now to become a regular event.

After the Louvre on Saturday...

¡­an impromptu lunch. Saturday, May 19th 2021.

The Louvre Coffee Morning. Saturday May 19th 2021

A busy first Saturday coffee morning at the Louvre. Our first since last October. We were delighted to welcome 20 members.

Looking forward to seeing you there every Saturday between 10 and 12 midday for coffee, a chat and free book exchange.

Aperos @ La Yoguteria Friday, may 28, 2021

Attendance at our Apero evening on Friday was a sellout, with 30 members meeting up for the first time in many months.

Aperos @ La Yoguteria Friday, October 23, 2020

½ñÍíÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û monthly luncheon at l¡¯Ulivo, Place du Cap October 15 2020

18 Members (socially distanced) enjoyed lunch at L¡¯Ulivo. We enjoyed a tasty menu and good company with plenty of laughs!

Apero hour Friday 18. September

24 members and friends met up for a chat and relaxing drink on Friday 18th September 2020.
For our sanity, we must not forget the importance of being able to socialise in these difficult times.
We sat outdoors. Everyone arriving and leaving wore face coverings and we respected the current rule of 10 with three tables of 8.


OVERNIGHT STAY - St Remy de Provence - September 8th & 9th - 2020

Lunch before the drive home.

Proven?ale market & Monastery of St Paul de Mausole where Van Gogh spent over a year. Showing his bedroom made famous in his paintings.

Drinks in the garden of our hotel before dinner.

Dinner at ? l¡¯ail ou la cuisse?

After lunch an afternoon booking at ? Carrieres de Lumieres ? a former quarry, now showing huge projections of famous artists set to music

Beginning with lunch in the garden of le Mas d¡¯Aigret, Baux de Provence.

BA lunch at La Sauvage

Visit Website

30 members met up for our first monthly luncheon since lockdown at the La Sauvage beach restaurant in Menton. It was lovely to catch up with members from the UK, US, Holland, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Ireland and France. A truly international gathering of friends, most of whom we hadn¡¯t seen for many months.
Although the restaurant was very busy, service was professional, the food tasty and well presented. Everyone enjoyed the occasion. BN


Two hours of great fun. 20 members arrived, some whom we had last seen many months ago. Later that evening, 9 of us went out for a meal and the banter continued until late.


Our first apero after three months of lockdown. It was lovely to see everyone enjoying the occasion. We very much appreciated the normality of being able to sit outdoors with friends for a catch up chat in the sunshine. As always, the Yoguteria looked after us splendidly, spoiling us with  lots of tasty canap¨¦s. Let¡¯s hope things continue to improve, so that we can once again organise some interesting social events. BN

Slowly getting back to normal? Menton Men gathering 06-02-2020


Quiz Thursday march 12 2020

Probably our last quiz afternoon for a while. All our events have now cancelled for the foreseeable future.

Apero at Monkey bar 14.Feb

25 members enjoyed a drink and chat at the Monkey bar on Valentine¡¯s evening, before some of us continued the evening with a romantic dinner.


First apero evening of 2020 - Friday 17th Jan

14 members met up at the Monkey Bar to monkey around.

British Association Lunch - Hotel School Paul Valery Friday, January 10, 2020

Twenty members met for our very first 2020 lunch at The Lyc¨¦e Paul Valery.

Menton Men - Tuesday 7th JAN 2020

Great turnout at Menton Men for the first meeting of 2020. Just look at those happy smiling faces! Well done boys!


british association christmas lunch - La trattoria - December 17th

Our December Christmas lunch was held recently at ? La Trattoria ? 20 of us met for the last lunch of 2019. We had a very generous meal as always there, the Escalope Milanese  looked more like Elephant ears!! Many left with doggy bags.

cirque de pekin

Fifteen of us went for a pre Christmas treat to the Grimaldi Forum Monaco to see the ¡°Cirque de P¨¦kin Roi des Singes¡±.

Perched up in the higher vertiginous balcony!! it was quite an impressive show with contortionists and acrobats.

And the beautiful Christmas decorations and lights put us all into the Christmas spirit.


We had a great turnout for this year¡¯s commemoration ceremony, with 24 members enjoying a well deserved drink followed by lunch.


A good 18 turned out for our November lunch at the Table D¡¯Oc , where we are always well taken care of. An excellent meal.

Monkey Bar Apero Evening - 25-10-19

Friday, was the first time, I decided to try the Monkey Bar, as our new winter apero venue. Such was the response, that more than thirty attended, not counting six members who had to cancel due to seasonal colds.
Monkey Bar looked after us well. Their Happy Hour prices are very reasonable and included Canap¨¦s. For the very hungry, extra platters of charcuterie and cheese can be ordered for 5€
Impromptu live music and song by Francois on the guitar and George in fine voice, added to the ambiance.
The ceilings in Monkey Bar are low. It¡¯s an old building and with such a large crowd engaged in animated conversation, noise levels were high, but the space and warmth of the place were a bonus.

Readings & Afternoon Tea At Val Rahmeh

There was an excellent turnout of British Association members at the fabulous Val Rahmeh garden, last Sunday afternoon. The event was created by Ruth de la Touche, to mark the 131'st birthday of prominent British short story writer, Katherine Mansfield, a native of New Zealand.

Various associations contributed ; the British Association, "Friends of Val Rahmeh," "The Katherine Mansfield Society" and "Les mots ¨¤ la bouche."

After readings of KM's works in both French and English, a scrumptious afternoon tea followed. Many thanks to members Helen¨¦ and Jill for their contributions of homemade cakes."

british association lunch -Beau sejour - Gorbio

Friday October 11th 2019

Cote d¡¯azur polo club ¡°riviera cup¡±

The afternoon commenced with aperitifs and finger food during the action on the field, with 5 international teams competing fir the Riviera Cup.
After a great South American asado style bbq and lashings of wine, we danced to music with club¡¯s resident DJ, John St John.
We met new people, made new contacts and had a great afternoon and evening, with lots of fun.

Marseille Overnight Trip! - 18/09/19 - 19/09/19


All members arrived safely and on time at the Ibis Hotel in the old port of Marseille. Nine members arrived by people carrier. Others drove down individually. After check in, we adjourned to the lovely little ¡°Poule Noire¡± restaurant, situated close to the hotel, where tables had been reserved for us. We enjoyed an excellent Lunch with good regional wines. The ¡°trilogy dessert¡± some of us chose, was served with the caramel ¡°en flamb¨¦¡±, a spectacle to behold. Fanny and Damien, co-owners of La Poule Noire,¡± are true professionals.

A leisurely walk to the old port followed, from where we boarded ship for the trip to the chateau d¡¯If. The sun shone, it was warm and everyone content.

We stayed on the island for nearly two hours. Chateau d¡¯If was the inspiration for Alexandre Dumas famous adventure novel, ¡°The Count of Monte Cristo,¡± from which the legendary Edmond Dantes escaped after being thrown, supposedly as a corpse, into the sea. In real life, Count Mirabeau was imprisoned here in 1774.

On our return trip, we had the added bonus of seeing Frioul island, where we stopped to take on passengers bound for Marseille.

Dinner that evening was at the elegant Acenaulx restaurant, where again, food, wine and ambiance were superb. The owner of the restaurant, Jeanne Laffitte, helped launch the redevelopment of the square, which has been described both as an Italian piazza or Spanish rambla. Apart from its restaurant, the Arcenaulx houses a library, an antiquarian book shop, tea room and gift shop.

The next morning after breakfast, we visited Le Coq Gourmand. A curiosity shop with an eclectic mix of bric a brac, fine wines, champagnes, rare whiskies teas, confitures and Savon Marseillaise.

The hidden gem was a guided tour in English of the cellars, which date back to the reign of Louis XIV. There¡¯s a huge underground network of ancient tunnels and cellars beneath Marseille, which cannot be traced on any map.

Claudine, the owner, held a little reception for us where we, once again, sampled some excellent wines and canap¨¦s. We had a few hours to ourselves before the trip home and returned to Menton in the evening.

Aperos At Yoguteria September 13 2019

Our first apero meeting after the August break yesterday evening was busy with nearly thirty members and friends attending.

British Association Lunch - La Casablanca - September 5th 2019

Paris Palace - July 25th 2019

A very nice lunch was had by all. The air conditioning was most welcome on a very hot day!
Twelve were in attendance and we will definitely return!

ESCALE: (26 June 2019)

Last night was one of the hottest evenings on the Riviera to date, but 20 members braved the sizzling heat and humidity, to make it to ¡°L¡¯Escale Musicale¡± on Promenade du Soleil, Menton.

We had dinner, asked the musician to play our requests and I¡¯m delighted to say, everyone was in good spirits and had lots of fun. Everyone ended up on the dance floor, regardless of the heat. We left shortly before midnight. We have a large membership base so it¡¯s fantastic when members meet up for the first time and exchange. That¡¯s what the ½ñÍíÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û is about. BN

POLO MATCH (Saturday 22. June)

¡°CHUKKA all the way¡±

The Cote d¡¯Azur Polo Club is based in what was a vineyard, at Puget sur Argens, a little over an hour¡¯s motorway drive from Menton. The club house features a beautifully restored interior, now used a bar. The club is set among 13 hectares, with an excellent polo facilities.

Polo is a popular sport in the UK, US and Argentina. Local and visiting players are welcome.

It was a last minute decision for us in Menton to attend, but a small, albeit mighty group decided to check out this polo event in Puget and we really enjoyed a great afternoon and evening¡¯s entertainment, meeting some of the lovely management and other guests.

After the ¡°Esterel Cup,¡± we all adjourned to the club house area, where a huge bbq had been set up asado style. A DJ provided the music, line dancers gave a performance and, after a few glasses of wine, the BA Menton heroically stepped forward to give a rendition of well known Irish songs, accompanied by Ian Ross.

There will be further fixtures in July and August, but I thought members might be interested in attending ¡°THE RIVIERA POLO CUP¡± in SEPTEMBER.

It is possible to arrange reasonably priced overnight accommodation nearby.¡± BN


April 26th, 2019. 20 BA Menton Members in attendance.

Irish Hellraisers - MOnaco Irish arts society - Saturday April 6th 2019

British association lunch - Les Enfants Terribles March 29 2019

Friday lunch at the restaurant ¡°Les Enfants Terrible¡± - 25 attended an amazing meal!"

80s night At Le nautilus - Friday Mar 15 2019

23 members enjoyed a great evening at the Nautilus on Friday. Unfortunately, we were limited as to numbers and had to turn late bookings away. However, we¡¯ll do it all again soon.

Aperos At Yoguteria Feb 15 2019

Members meeting for an apero a day before the official opening of the 2019 Lemon Festival ? Des Mondes Fantastiques ? we¡¯re enjoying superb weather, as you can see from the sunset photos on Friday evening and the festival photos taken Saturday morning.

British association lunch - La trattoria - fEB 6TH 2019
A wonderful lunch with 26 members in attendance!

Aperos At Yoguteria Jan 25 2019

A great turn out at the Yoguteria January 25 th for our first Aperitivo of 2019 !! Thanks to Lorenza who always looks after us so well.

British Association Dinner

Friday, December 14th 2018
Hotel School Paul Valery

Aperos At Yoguteria

The BA Menton monthly apero evenings are always a success and last night¡¯s meeting was true to form.

Manageress, Lorenza, who always looks after us well, treated everyone to a pre-Christmas panatone. Unfortunately, as the hour had progressed and so had the downing of aperos, our ¡°Boys¡± became a little confused and sang happy birthday. However, a good time was had by all.

Manageress, Lorenza

Manageress, Lorenza

British Association LUnch

Thursday, November 15, 2018, La Table d¡¯Oc, Menton

rememberance Sunday

Members of the ½ñÍíÁùºÏ²Ê¿ª½±½á¹û, turned out in large numbers, to  pay their respects last Sunday, November 11 2018, commemorating 100 years since the end of WW I which ended at 11am on 11. November 1918.

During four years of combat, nearly ten million soldiers lost their lives, along with ten million civilians. We remembered the fallen and laid a poppy wreath at the ¡°Monument au Mort¡± in Menton, where the ceremony was held.

On Monday, 12. November, some of us attended the ceremony held at the British & Commonwealth War Graves Cemetary, Bordighera, Italy.

Celebrants included Ministers/ Priests from the Catholic, Lutheran, Waldensian, Rumanian and Russian Orthodox Church, as well as the representative of St John¡¯s Menton.

Menton Men

Ten male members met to discuss world affairs at this week¡¯s Menton Men gathering.

When? Every Tuesday at 4:00 pm for an hour or so.
Why?  There is no reason.
Requirements? Be male.
Where? VINTAGE (near Galeries Lafayette & Picard)]


Visit to the Oceanographic Museum in Monaco

Thursday, October 18, 2018

An interesting fun day, commencing with lunch at the museum¡¯s rooftop terrace, before we enjoyed a guided tour in English, with one of the Oceanographic¡¯s excellent guides. Our visit included a virtual reality experience and ended early evening with relaxing drinks taken in the sunshine at the rooftop¡¯s lounge bar.


Well attended Ap¨¦ro hour, Friday 9. October, at la Yoguteria, which 25 members enjoyed.

British Association Lunch - Restaurant Alkena - Sablettes Beach, Menton

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Monaco-Ireland Arts Society 2018 Production

On Saturday, 29. September, Monaco-Ireland Arts Society,  presented their 2018 production at the St Exupery, Menton.

This was  the fourth year MIAS  performed in Menton, on behalf of  the British Association.

¡°Stones in his pockets¡± and ¡°Ritual for Dolls,¡±  both directed by Virginia Disney Connell, were a definite hit with the Menton audience, many of whom later remarked on both the acting talent and thought-provoking content of both plays.

After the performance, the cast and some of our members enjoyed a late supper at the Caf¨¦ des Arts, where joie de vivre included the rendition of Irish songs by the cast and not to be outdone, Welsh songs by our members. A lovely evening which everyone enjoyed.

The only downside was that ten members with reserved seats did not show up. We¡¯re still waiting to hear what happened.

BA Menton Trip To Couvent Royal St Maximin de Baume and Basilica

  • Tue, Sep 11, 201810:00 AM  Wed, Sep 12, 20185:00 PM


BA Lunch

July 25th 2018 at La Coupole

The last lunch before the August break.


Grand Opening Of The New Promenade At Sablettes Beach Menton. July 8th 2018.

A royal Unveiling

On Monday, July 2nd 2018 His Serene Highness, Prince Albert II of Monaco, unveiled a plaque at the Place Fontana, Menton, in honour of Menton seamen, who lost their lives at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, whilst Menton was under the reign of Monaco.

Members of the Mairie de Monaco and Menton attended the ceremony and heads of local associations were invited

sATURDAY MAY 12 2018

HISTORIC GRAND PRIX & lunch monaco
Saturday may 12, 2018

British Association Aperitif
L.A. Yogurteria, Menton, May 11th 2018

It was a bit of a squeeze this week with 27 memebers present!

An afternoon by the poolside of a private villa in Montaroux, near Cannes, of Jan Zantinch of ¡°Zantos Interiors & Exteriors" and interior designer Karin van Os.


Read Bull Air Race Cannes - 22nd April 2018

Radisson Hotel, Rooftop Bar.
Fantastic weather, exciting show, great music, food and wine.

[click on the images to enlarge]


An Irish Sun Hat

Ha Hat Sun na h?ireann


Sushi On The Roof



Casual Saturday Lunch

Every Saturday, after having met for coffee at the Louvre, some members end up having a casual lunch together.

Saturday April 21 2018 we enjoyed great al fresco meal at the Menton Tennis Club.

British Association Aperitif
L.A. Yogurteria, Menton, 13.04.18

A very tasty dinner at the Hotel School Paul Valery on March 23rd 2018 with 24 members in attendence.

A Farewell To Hans: A little drinks party send-off for Hans Roempke at Annie Ratcliff's place before Hans embarks on his forthcoming trip to the US and Caribbean.


Bollywood Dinner & Show March 4th 2018
The End Of The 2018 Lemon Festival, Menton

British Association Aperitif
L.A. Yogurteria, Menton, 09.02.18

A great turn out of more than 20 members at the La Yogurteria aperitif on Friday evening. Our first of many in 2018!

British Association Lunch
La Table d'Oc
Thursday 25th January 2018

Christmas Party At Villa Nirvana.  December 10th 2017.

Gershwin Concerto "Rhapsody in Blue" at the Nice Opera House. December 9th 2017.

The British Association Formal Luncheon at Le Grande Balcon, Nice. December 9th 2017.

Riviera Business Club "Business Person of the Year 2017 Awards" - Ethec Business School Nice.  December 1st 2017.

Quiz-master Martin and members at Il Etait Une Fois, November 30th 2017

Armistice Day, Monument au Mort, November 11th 2017
Menton, France


British Association Luncheon November 8th 2017
Hotel School Paul Valery

Picasso, Prosecco & Pictures | Vallauris & Mougins September 21st 2017
Le Manoir de l'Etang

Week of September 4th 2017

Champagne Brunch, Manoir de l'Etang, Mougins

Champagne Brunch, Manoir de l'Etang, Mougins

The romantic 19th century Manoir de l¡¯Etang in Mougins, was the setting for our champagne brunch on 22 July 2017.

We had a scrumptious brunch on the terrace, after several glasses of Moet upon arrival and enjoyed  the opportunity of meeting new people. The terrace of the manor house overlooks 4 hectares of landscaped gardens in a tranquil setting.

The champagne brunch was organised by the International Club of the Cote d¡¯Azur, with whom we regularly work, in order to offer our members a variety of social events.

La Yoguteria

La Yoguteria

Last Apero Evening before summer break

The last aperitivo evening, before our summer break, at La Yoguteria in Menton, on 14 July 2017

The Yoguteria is proving a popular meeting place for members. About 30 attended, although many had already left the Cote d¡¯Azur to avoid the summer heat before returning in September!


Lunch in old town menton

July 12th 2017 - Menton

Held in the old town of Menton at "Braijade Meridounale" a restaurant featuring Provencale specialities.



Quiz afternoon!

Il Etait Une Fois on the promenade in Menton July 6th 2017

No, it's not a seance, although it looks weird with the candle.
It's our quiz afternoon at "Il Etait une Fois" on the promenade in Menton