
If you would like to meet like minded people, make new friendships and even get stuck in helping out with the Association's activities in Menton, then why not join and become a member?

Membership is open to all nationalities, aged 18 and over, who wish to support the aims of the Association in bringing people together.

Annual subscriptions are €25 single membership and €40 for a couple.

The subscription covers administrative costs, postage, paper etc.  We invite you to make a donation to support our welfare work if you wish.

Please complete this form, click submit and then send your check to: 
Villa Nirvana,
65 Avenue de Sospel
06500 Menton

Or you can pay by bank transfer, details below:

If you prefer, please feel free to print this page (Control P on PC, Command P on Mac) and send the following information along with your check by mail rather than fill in this online form.

Thanks for joining and welcome aboard!